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Warm Up
2-3 mins
Dynamic Warm Up

Ask the children to move in and out of the mats always searching for space. Incorporate movements such as:
Jogging, High knees, Heel flicks, Side steps, Skipping, Hopping, Jumping, Lunging

  • Highlight good examples of movements.
  • Look for good movement – ball of foot running, jumping and hopping.
  • Quiet feet.
  • Arms and legs moving, torso and head still.
Skill Development
15 mins
Key Shapes

Get the children onto mats in pairs or 3’s.Using the ‘Key Shape’ guidance cards, the children should
practice and demonstrate to each other all of the following Key Shapes:

  • Straight
  • Star
  • Straddle
  • Dish
Progression: Call out each Key Shapes: the children must react quickly to your instruction getting into
each shape.

  • Encourage the children to perform all movements with smart posture (see key shape cards for technical details of
    each shape).
  • Tight, neat and clear body shapes.
  • Always encourage quality movement between each shape.
  • Teach the children to brace and feel strong when holding positions – especially when performing the
Skill Development
5-10 mins

Using the edges of the mats the children are working on. Ask each child of every pair / group to stand in a
corner of their mat. They must walk smartly around the edge of their mat.

Progression: Ask the children to move sideways and backwards but with the same quality movement as
before. Introduce turns and leaps if appropriate and time allowing.

  • Encourage the pupils to have pointed toes and straight arms.
  • Travelling is used to move around the space and to get into the next position to perform the next element.
  • The pupils should always look where they are going and move safely.
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